“We can’t all be heroes.
Some of us have to stand on the curb and clap as they go by.” — Will Rogers

Shirley & Marty Oxenburg
Martin “Marty” Oxenburg, 1922 – 2024
Last man standing and founder of the 69th Buddies Group has passed on.
Marty had a life that was full, rich, and blessed. Marty lived 101 years on this earth. He filled those moments with family, friends, giving and sharing all the bounty from his heart.
He served our country in WWII, the CBI Theater. After which he came home to be with his wife, Shirley and their daughter Judy who arrived while he was driving the Burma Road. Later their son Barry arrived.
Marty’s career was in the personnel industry where he established a thriving recruiting business. He was extremely well respected by his clients and those he placed. However, there was a deep desire in his heart to connect the men he served with in China. So, he, along with Shirley set out to find all his “Buddies” and bring them together. Their adventure started with a typewriter, white pages phone directories from the library, and lots of hours filled with letters and phone calls to each of the 349 men in the 69th DRS.
These are the shoulders on which we stand. To remember and honor Marty we are compiling “remembrances” and pictures for a commemorative newsletter. If you would like to share your thoughts and or photos, kindly send them to: flyingtigercubs@yahoo.com with ‘Marty’ in the subject line. The contributions will need to be received by March 5th, 2024.