From L to R: Shirley – Stu – Barry (Marty’s son) – Mel – Sam – Klink – Marty
From L to R: Stu Fontaine, Mel Levitt, Sam Agronin, Evron Klinenborg & Marty Oxenburg
Evron Klinenborg
Shirley Oxenburg – Haley & Sally Fontaine
Left to Right: Gloria Koshork, Sam Agronin, Phylis LIttman, Iona & Earl Strobeck
Hank Tursky & Mac II
Standing: Evron Klinkenborg . . . Seated center: Jack Higbee . . . . Right: Koshork
Commemorative Challenge Coin presented to members of the 69th Depot Repair Squadron by Charlene Fontaine and all the “Cubs”
Charleen Fontaine Presents Commemorative Medallions during Memorial Service
From L to R: Levitt, Griffin, Gremke, Higbee, Marrongelli, Oxenburg, Rhodes, Strobeck, Tursky & Wenc
Indiana War Memorial Plaza marker
Waiting to tour the Indianapolis Motor Speedway
From L to R: Fontaine, Littman, Tursky, Oxenburg, Levitt, Agronin, Higbee, Marrongelli, Koshork, Strobeck, Barancyk, Kinkonborg, Wenc & Rhodes
Silent Auction Wine Basket
Creating a collectable
Autographed cap for Silent Auction
Colts Team Stamped Football for Silent Auction
“Keep them flying” – oil painting commissioned for 2005 Silent Auction
Tigers in Indianapolis
Tiger Wives in Indianapolis
Tigers and Cubs in Indianapolis
2005 Reunion Attendee Group Photo
Ron Stukey congratulates Charleen Fontaine for hosting a impressive reunion
Jack Higbee, 69th DRS President, offers Charleen Fontaine congratulations for a successful reunion
From L to R: Shirley Oxenburg – Marie & John Marrongelli
Left to Rirht: Doris Turskey, Susan Makris & Virginia Mueller
Left to Right: Evron Klinenborg, Arlene Funt & Shirley Oxenburg
Charlie & Jane Gramke